Father's Heart Ranch


The mission of the Father’s Heart Ranch Group Home is to receive, restore and revive children whose lives have been offended by abuse and neglect of adults who have betrayed their roles to care and nurture these children.
The first objective is to receive these children. The open embrace and caring heart of the Father is to accept without judgment or qualification damaged children whose conduct and behaviors, though distasteful and difficult, have been distorted by the abuse they have experienced. This kind of acceptance is key to our children knowing the unconditional love many of us have known and experienced of our heavenly Father. This acceptance is a powerful platform on which all future change will occur.

At this point, it is important for all those involved to be committed to care. Being met with resistance, rejection and betrayal, these are many of the same things these children have experienced themselves. To maintain our purpose of seeing these children restored and revived we will need to see beyond their behaviors and into their need. Through experience, faith and daily renewal, this is possible. The environment of acceptance (reception) created is the key to their future progress.

The second objective is to restore. Much has been taken from these children: their innocence, their desire to please, their openness, their curiosity, and their trust of themselves and others. These take time to restore. One action alone will not make up for the many traumas and abuses these children have experienced. Daily structure, support, nurturing and a loving environment are needed to bring about restoration. Most children, in a non-abused state, grow learning to trust adults and their surroundings. These children have had these basic things robbed from them. They need time and space to be restored. The role of FHR staff is to act (not react) and present themselves as ones that truly care for them: many times steady and daily nurturing is needed just to re-learn basic lessons of trust and responsibility. Care must be exercised not to manipulate them but to steadily care and affirm them in learning to control what is uncontrolled in their lives. Spiritual values are important but they will best learn and understand them by our actions: God’s love is proven by how much we love our brother.

The third objective is to revive. The spirit of these children have been crushed, damaged and taken away. By creative treatment, one-on-one care, counseling, and play therapies, children are provided with opportunities to trust again. Theses children need the opportunity to make choices not have them made for them. We know a heavenly Father who has knowledge of what we need before we even ask. In many cases, our being there for these children is more powerful than specific break-thru therapy, spiritual or otherwise. The role of the child-care staff is to expect the miraculous while performing the daily, mundane actions of love and support. It has been determined that people remember 55% of what you do, 37% of your tone of voice and 5% of what you say. Our actions will speak loudest when working with them.